Self-confidence enables you to try to achieve anything even it seems impossible to you now.
I was and maybe still sometimes am a person who is far away that kind of character but I have a secret to boost my confidence.It’s very common among Japanese people. We are expected not to make a mistake both at school and in a workplace. No mistake is better than no challenge.
Therefore, risk-taking is the least valued in Japan. However, we are not conscious of that.
I personally understood that I hadn’t had enough self-confidence in my 20’s told by my friend. Again after I migrated to the U.S., I realized and I needed to build up my self-confidence to live my life to the fullest.
How I could boost my tiny self-confidence? Let me share the secret words!
” I like myself.” “I like myself.” “I like myself.”
“I can do it.” “I can do it.” I am capable. I am confident. I can do anything I want to. I can do it!” said to the mirror.
Give it a try! It works!
For you to meet A NEW YOU . GIVE It A Try!
Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
Who taught this to me? It’s Brian Tracy!