Minna no Global Classroom みんなの Global Classroom

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Thank you for visiting. Please join us‼ More than just meeting people and learning languages,

みんなのGlobal Classroom aims to get language learners together, meeting, teaching, and learning with each other to foster mutual understanding and friendships. You are an ambassador to make the world a better place, Peace. There are full of negativities around the world but we can add something positive to the world.ngle flower can make someone smile.

We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean.

But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. Mother Teresa

That’s Motoko’s wish and dream inspired by each meeting of an individual since I was a little in Japan;

as a child,

as an English teacher in Japan, I met an older man in Nagasaki, Okinawa, Hiroshima,

as a woman of the same age in the same occupation in England

as a Japanese teacher in the U.S.

as a Japanese Culture Consultant in my workshop

as a Facebook user.


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