I am enjoying this prettiest tree on my work desk.
The color combination, flowers, and light, every detail was perfect! I was so happy to receive it by hand made, a flower designer, Aki. Thank you so much?
The cutest gift from Kikue san. She has been my student in Ikebana class, Dallas.

At a glance, it was different. I saw a craftmanship behind this tree. Maybe for you, it looks just a decoration but for me, I appreciate the skills and design and passion who made it. Also, I really appreciate Kikue, my student of Ikebana, Dallas thinking of me this time of the year. It was a Christmas gift but I remembered Oseibo. too.
What is Oseibo? お歳暮
In Japanese tradition, though it has been forgotten, we give a yearend gift as a token of thanks. I used to give my Ikebana, Tea Ceremony, Calligraphy, Karate teachers and bring another small new year gift. It is rather a formal gift, not like a Christmas present here.
Japanese give a gift to thank him for all the time and work someone did in the year. I am living in Dallas, U.S., and I received a Christmas present. However, I felt like I receiving both a Christmas gift and a year-end gift at a time.
You knew why I am so happy I was to have this beautiful tree!
I enjoyed not only a beautiful gift but also two cultures!!!!!
I should add Japanese gift giving custom, later.
?こんなにかわいい手作りクリスマスツリー?みたことありません! 机に置いて眺めていると仕事がはかどる〜? いただきもの どうもありがとうございました? いつも