Mochistuki ; New year Cerebration help by Japan America society Dallas/Fortwarth. SUNDAY 18 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Mochi is rice cake and you can’t miss mochi on the new year’s day.
At the event called Mochistuki, you can eat mochi;rice cake. You can also try pounding rice ! not machine but by hand with mortar and pestle―pounders
There are performances and activities! I love this event! Mochi, green tea, Dance, taiko Drum, Dance traditional modern YOSAKOI, Tea ceremony , Ikebana, song, game, I will introduce traditional game for a new year called Fukuwarai. Calligraphy and Origami, games for children, small shrine. I really felt at home at the event of 2011 which was my first going out after migrated to the U.S in the end of 2010. Thsi is my 5th Mochistuki.
We must eat mochi for a special dish for a new year called ozoni;a soup containing rice cakes eaten on New Year’s day. Mochi was originally sacred and offered to God and people eat the mochi with holy sprite. Mochi is round or square depending which are you live. Western part of Japan is round and Eastern square. The ingredients are different form place to place.
I visited Japan for a new year and I enjoyed myself the atmosphere of the end of December when people were very busy for preparing for a new year and transition of December 31st to January 1st as I had enjoyed. On New year’s day we ate zoni( ozoni), It’s a must for new year’s day.