Hanaiku is a kind of education aiming to foster kinds a sense of beauty, creativity, patience, appreciation for life through experience with plants and flowers. Hanaiku is written 花育
花 Hana flower including all plants
育 Iku to foster cultivate, develop, take care
When we saw a seed to see its flower or get its fruit, we have to spend time and wait. No plants grow and bloom in a day. We need time, care, and love to wait.
Sometimes they die or not grow enough. We experience joy and disappointment. We will learn plants wilted and finish their lives.
We learn each flower and even leaves in the same tree are unique and its character if we observe closely.
Don’t you think plants/flowers are just like us, human? Everyone is different and unique and only one. So precious! Appreciate the life and uniqueness of each flower/person.
That is what Hanaiku aims. Also having something beautiful brings smiles and happiness as well as decreases frustration and anxiety.
I would like to share this joy and happiness with you. Just get flowers at a grocery store, take care and arrange in a vase, a glass, even in a plastic bottle. You will be amazed to feel the atmosphere of natural beauty and life!
Hanaiku is not only for kids but also for adults too! Ikebana is just Hanaiku.