Hachi A Very Loyal Dog 2 / A statue of Hachi

Dog  (ちゅう)(けん)ハチ公(はちこう)  Chukken Hchiko A Loyal dog Hachi :

The most popular dog in Japan.My husband introduced this video and we liked Zander very much.Zander is a beautiful dog. There are many similar stories like this and every story is precious.

What kind of dog- story do you have ?

In Japan there was a story of a Loyal dog Hachi.  Hachi was Akita dog. He had been waiting his master at Shibuya station even after his master passed away.

Hachi’s master moved from Akita with him and two other dogs John and S. His master was a professer of Tokyo University. He took train from Shibuya for work. His three dogs came to see their master at the station in the morning and then in the evening the three dogs went to welcome him the station to welcome That’s their routines.

All of sudden his master passed away on his duty. Hachi was so depressed for a while but he kept going to the station when his master had come from work.  In that time there are many poor people they took his belt away or bullied him. However Hachi never stopped going. A man who had been taking care of him wanted those people to treat fairly and send a script to a newspaper.

The article said that Hachi was such a loyal dog and it attracted world attention.  He had been waiting his master for 7 years and finally they realized he should not have treated badly.  More and more people come to love him.

His stature was made in front of the station even while he was alive.  Finally his story was learned at elementary school moral class; Never forget what other people did for you.  Be loyal to a master.

During world war Ⅱ because of lack of iron stature had been melted into a rail. After world war Ⅱ Hachi’s stature was rebuilt supported by many Japanese and dog lovers of GHQ. If you would love to see him, Come and visit Shibuya station in Tokyo!  A statue of Hachi was involved in a war too. Now Hachi is standing in peace.

みなさんの(いぬ)()(てき)なストーリーを持っ(もっ)ていることでしょう。(おっと)()()けてくれたyahoo newsのザンダー(くん)ビデオ(びでお)感激(かんげき)しました。気に入った(きにいった)ので何度(なんど)見まし(みまし)た。似たようなお話(おはなし)がたくさんあると思います(おもいます)が、どれも貴重(きちょう)なものだと思います(おもいます)。みなさんの(いぬ)は(ワン(わん)ちゃん)はどんな素敵(すてき)ストーリー(すとーりー)がありますか。



INU  犬  いぬ  イヌ  means dog


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