The third Sunday was Father’s Day. My father lives in Japan and it is 14 hours ahead. I had to call him on Saturday or early in the morning. Icalled him and say “Otousan Arigatou!” means “Thank you!” I do love him but it’s not common to say to say “I love you.” to parents and friends in Japan. Among boy friend and girls friend, wife and husband. Mainly women and men.When I have live in the States, I am feeling reverse culture shok when I visit Japan and leave my parents, not hugging or not saying “I love you.” I could say in Japanese “Aishiteru.” but it’s strange for me. I like American style in expressing in words.
Father’s Day is the day when as a Japanese I think more of what my father have done for me and express gratitude rather than let him know I love him. Then, when do I express my love to Father? I used to when I was little. I should say when he is alive.
My father in law is American we talked on the phone and I said “Happy fayjer’s Day! I love you. I am very proud of you!” I felt good to say so and I hope he felt same. I have been accepeting and enjoying Amerian culture. I can enjoy both. I have two cultures in me!!