鬼は外 福は内 Go away COVID-19, Come in Healing, Peace, and Health!
we need Setubun all over the world this year 2021.

Setsubun 節分 is the day that divides winter and spring in the old Japanese calendar( lunar calendar). It is February 2nd this year.
What is the Kanji for Setsubun?
First, I will explain Kanji for Setsubun, It divides winter and spring in the Japanese old calendar. February 2 in 2021.
Setsu 節 節 きせつ Kisestu;season
Bun 分 ぶん wakeru 分ける to divide, Noun; 、ふん、ぷん miniute
Why is so important?
There are four seasons so they should have setsubun 4 times a year. Yes, There were four but the setsubun that divides spring and winter was special, because in ancient Japan, a new year starts in spring.

What do they do on Setsubun?
Around setsubun it is believed evil spirits come with sickness bad bad luck. Also before welcome a new year, homes need to be cleansed.
Firstly, they put holy which has thorns and a head of roasted sardines deen at the entrance to keep the evil spirit and bad luck, which is the shape of Oni; demon. Oni has usually described a red/blue face with a horn on the top of the head and a metal rod in his hand, wearing short pants of a tiger.
Secondly. they throw roasted soybeans to drive away Oni, represent evil spirits and bad luck, and welcome good luck and happiness in.
They say “鬼は外 福は内 おには そと ふくは うち Oni wa soto Fuku wa uchi.’ throwing the soy beans.
Thirdly, they eat soybeans as many as their age wishing health and happiness. I do remember wanting more soybeans as a child. Now, I will not be able to eat that many!
In addition, a new trend on Sesubun appeared. they eat big roll without cutting, looking at the lucky direction of the year without speaking and wishing for happiness and health to come.
Why it has been popular ?
First of all, it is fun to throw soybeans for kids. Then Setsubun is celebrated not only at home but also in nursery schools and preschools as a traditional event. Please watch this video. Usually, a man teacher or father plays an Oni role wearing an oni mask. Kids throw beans to drive away Oni. Please watch the video. https://youtu.be/ExddblDsxQo When I was a child, we had enough imagination of Oni at home, I did not see Oni at home.
Even students of primary, junior high, and middle school can enjoy eating Setsubun soybeans packed in a small plastic bag. Schools play an important role to pass down traditional culture.
Oni inside us
Oni also represents our won negative feelings and weakness, so Setsubun cleanses our minds too. Throwing soybeans means a lot.
Whay don’t you go to a Japanese food store and throw roasted soybeans, shouting .”Oni wa so to Fuku wa Uchi!”
This is ikebana for Setsubun wishing for healing and peace.
Oni is behind spring flowers.
#setsubun#japaneseculture#鬼は外#wewillgetthroughthis#healing#peace#kickawaycoronavirus#prayers 鬼はそう福はうち #春よ来い#豆まき#節分