To learn how to exchange business cards is very important. Please watch this video. You may be surprised. Its,d from a bisiness traing.
It is oneof the most important thing for an employee to learn how to exchange business cards propperly. Business cards are just like yourself.; who you are and what you are .
So you must give and recieve a business cards with both hands and keep it with care. Using both hands shows respect. Don’t fold. Don’t use it like a memo. Just treat like something important.
When you exchangebusiness cards, bow. Bowing is also a way to show respact. How deep you bow depends how much you respect someone. There are thress kindof bow. One is a slihgtly bow 15 degrees, 45 , and the deepest 45. When you exchange businesscards, bow slightly as deep as 15 degrees.
Bowing is learned at home home and at school. In Nursery school at the age of three or four learn bow and greet. In many situations, Japanese bow. Japanese greet with bow. From the very early time of our lives, we Japanese bow. Bow also expresses various emotion and feeling and the depth of bow display respect and how deep your messages are.