March 3rd is Hinamatsuri, Girls’s Day or Doll’s Festival in Japan so I celebrated HInamatsuri this year too. Though I am living in the States, my appreciation and love for Hinamatsuri doesn’t change. I love Hina dolls and I was so proud of our Hinanigyo; Hina dolls.

The face looked unusual for me, a little girl, white faces with their eyes so small but elegant. They were really beautiful. Only a limited period of the year, before March 3 and displayed for 2 or 3 weeks I could see them.
During those days I could see beautiful dolls every day. I admire the skilled of craftsmen who made the. Then after Hinamatsuri weekend my mother and my sister, who was not so interested in the dolls, and I took them away, wrapping their head and body with tissue, saying good bye and seeing next year. Unfortunately I have;t seen them since I was 6th grade.