No More Nagasaki August 9

No more Hiroshima.No more Nagasaki. That’s strong desire and wish of Hibakusha. The average age of Hibakusha is over 80. There are less and less people living after 70 years of the nuclear bombing.

Oh Hiroshima mamorial I missed watching TV but today I could just a little of Nagasaki Peace Memorial from the States. I watched Mr. SUmiteru Taniguchi who is reprezentative of Hibakusha and I had listened to him 16 years ago at a hotel of Nagasaki. I was a schook teacher and we were on school trip to Nagasaki. Nagsaki is a beautiful city with Christiam churches and Chinese temles and cultures, which was the only port for China and Nederland during Tokugawa Shogunate.
He is of my father’s age and I might be a Hibaku 2nd generation. I remembered a picture of him. His back were almost all burnt and he laied his stomach down for over 1 year and 9 months. He can’t wear seat belt. The medeical X ray can’t catch his born.

Radiation will never leave his boday.

Japans does not try to victimaize of the war but try very hard to abolish nuclear weapons. Hibakusha of Hiroshima and Nagasaki desire to make the pain which Hibakusha had and are still suffering the last one. They don’t want anybody to experience horrible weapon, nuclear bombs. They have lived hard lives, losing their families and friends, sometimes prejudiced by other Japanese becuase of Hibakusha. They have scars in their body and mind and still live with love and strength. I honor their lives.
I honor those killed by th enuclear bombs and share their wish and strog desire with them. Japan is the only country who had suffered from nuclear bomb.

Hibakusha’s desire is mine. I am storgly against any nuclea weapons. I was born and raised in Japan after milions of people died in the Worl War 2, and two bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I won’t forget I should live for their honorable sacrifice and pain and beter future.

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