In Japan Obon, August 13-15, is the time to honor ancestors and deceased

Japanese people do not take many leaves but Obon (お盆:おぼn)and Oshougatsu(お正月:おしょうがつNew year’s day) are very special.
Japanese make it shoet to call, Bon-Shogatsu. Shogatu means nw year. Bon is during Auguat 13-15. Obon is the time to think about our ancestors and close people who passed awway.Lotus flower
The firt obon is very special becuase the deceased just moved to Anoyo, which means Paladice or Heaven, living in diffrent world from ours and they display special lanterns for an altar. Before Obon a Buddhist priest visit and read a mantra or/and they clean the graveyard and honor their ancestors. It is celebated over 500 years.

It is also a time for family reunion. People retuen to their ancestral family place. It also becomes to be freinds and classmate reunion.It’s fun holidys too.

The sprits spend staying thier home during Obon and they go back to Paladice, Heaven.
Obon includesBon dance. I heard it is to console the spirit and enjoy together before the spirits go to the Anoyo. I don’t know the origing vey well. However we, Japanese enjoy Obon, not only honoring our ancestors but also reunion of families and freiends,going to summer featival,Bono dance, fireworks,food atands, and floating lanterns which we wee the sprits off to their home in Paladice.

Also August 15 is the day when Tenno(天皇:てんのう),Hirohito declared the war ended which milions of people were sacrificed their lives for Japan. End of the World War 2. I will  honor all who died for Japan and who were killed by Japan and never forget them.  Also I honored my ancestors.

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