On the last day of Heisei, I genuinely appreciate Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko

In 1988 when Emperor Akihito succeeded in the position, I was an adult and mature enough to understand in comparison with the era of Showa. I could see how Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko behaved and treated people. They always went to the victims of natural disasters and kneed down and talked to anyone, especially seniors, disables, and children. Many people were impressed and encouraged.

His last visit to Kyoto in spring 2019

I genuinely appreciate Emperor and Empress of Heisei that they have shown how much they care April 30th, 2019 was the last day of Heisei when Emperor Akihito had been the symbol of Japan. (Japanese standard time)  I am feeling so grateful and happy for Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko. I am also excited to welcome a new area, Reiwa. 

May all the people live in peace and happy in Reiwa令和.

Whenever they visited the memorials, they bowed deeply and offered prayers to all war victims, civilians and soldiers, Japanese and non-Japanese, though unfortunately, they couldn’t visit some countries invaded by Imperial Japan. Emperor Akihito himself experienced the war and he also must have researched, listened and talked with people and thought about the war and the responsibility, I guess. I have been impressed with his desire for world peace and affable smile.

Like his words, he has been pursuing the ideal emperor, the symbol of the nation, become a role model to Japanese people. He decided to abdicate and talked about his decision to the people through TV himself.   There is a very big gap between the area of Showa where an emperor used to be a god and where he is a human and a symbol of the nation. I would like him to spend the rest of his life healthy, peaceful, and happy. Thank you so much. We are proud of you.

日本はもう4月30日平成最後の日ですね。 昭和から平成に移るときは、新しい元号でも昭和天皇の崩御であまり明るい気持ちに離れませんでした。世の中も明るいムードではなかったような気がします。今回は自らのご意思でのご退位での改元なので、平成天皇陛下皇后陛下への感謝や次の時代、令和への希望を感じています。 メディアからうかがえるお姿からは、本当に国民を思い、また天皇陛下は世界の平和を願うお気持ちあふれていました。アメリカ人の夫は常々「アメリカには皇室がないので感覚的にわからないけれどお二人は仲がいいね。こんなにお似合いのご夫婦はいない。ナイスカップル!」と言っていました。私も同感です。「本当に心から素晴らしいと思うの。日本の象徴。世界に誇れる天皇陛下、皇后さまよ。」とよく話していました。ご退位も私たちに新しい生き方をお示しくださった気がします。 「本当にお疲れ様でございました。これからはご健康にご留意されましてお好きなことを存分になさってください。ありがとうございました。」そんな気持ちです。感謝して私の平成を振り返り、5月1日は新しい天皇新しい時代をお祝いしたいと思います。

“They are a very nice couple. They are really nice people.” my husband said whenever he watched them on TV. I do too. The way they treated people with respect and they American and three’s no royal family in the States and he doesn’t understand what it is

I remember I felt nothing special when Akihito was enthroned when  Hirohito, (Showa Emperor) passed away because he had been a figure existed far away from my/our life.

On the last day of Showa when Emperor Hirohito passed away.  He had been sick and he was already old when I was young. I saw him on TV at national events and meeting very important people from other countries. I knew during the war people were taught to die for him. His image was just a figure and someone closely related to the war. 


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