Make Origami crans for Hope. Join this project!
By Asia Society of Houston.
I joined this project. Origami crane carries my prayer and hope. As you may know, 1000 origami cranes will make our wish come true. Japanese make origami cranes for peace, prayers, recovery from sickness or injuries. We can put our hearts into the shape of an origami. I often make one for love and gratitude.
1000 origami cranes will bring recovery from sickness and make your wish come true.
I made 5 origami cranes for the patients, the health of doctors and nurses, and first responders, working at hospitals, working for our essentials and
those in heaven.
If you happen to read before May 31st, please make one and post your origami with your wishes with #1000CranesForHope.
Here’s a video on how to make one.

If you would like to mail it, here’s more information,
I organized Origami Project For Sandy Hook Elementary and so many people joined sharing prayers and care and love.
I felt being healed by making origami and hope.