Reflection Dce.31

On December 31st I looked back what happened to me and how I could achieve my goals.

I have kept diary for 17 years.It was the year of Hanshin Kobe earthquake. I appreciated my life. Just living today is blessing and miracle.I found one day is making a week and a month, and a year and it is going  to be my life. Surprise!  Writing just a few lines helps me to clean up stress and frustration fro a sound sleep. A prayer too.

I had written my goals and last year I wrote goals in more detail, following Brian Tray.I wrote 10 goals and 8 of them I accomplished. My key word was CHALLENGE.Thanks to many people I met and God I had a wonderful year.

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I started my career as Japanese Culture Consultant. I started

Cracking The Success Code was published. I wrote a chapter. One of co author is Brian Tracy and other great business people and professionals all over the world. It became a best seller.  Miracle!

custom cover

My mother got diagnosed cancer but she didn’t have to get surgery and she has been healed . It’s Miracle!  I was so glad that I was able to be back to Japan when she needed me.

Each person has  guided me to a new road  to go and opened a door for me. であったお一人ひとりの方が私に道を示し、ドアを開いてくださいました。ありがとうございました。お世話になりました。









2 thoughts on “Reflection Dce.31”

  1. Pingback: Happy 4th of July! おめでとうアメリカ! | Motoko Ishihara Evans

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