Simple tea ceremony at a Japanese club

I visited a #Japanese club at a college with my friend Kyoko for tea ceremony, though it is simplified and not formal. Simple but authentic.

Tea ceremony showing a disposal bow;Usually I talk and demonstrate by myself so it’s impossible to see how a host and a guest bow or talk. Fortunately I had a company and they could see #tea ceremony better.For us #bowing is something like second nature or muscle memory whenever we meet new people or showing respect.

I am always so impressed that everybody become quiet and share good intensity and distention, which is experienced in formal tea ceremony. Once I bow and started, the place becomes tea room. That’s an interesting moment. Sharing tea, sharing moments of our life.Appreciate tea, tea bowls and hospitality of the host. The sense of beauty , called wabi, sabi seen in tea ceremony,  until now, been perceived of as representing Japanese aesthetics.

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