Summer greetings (Ikebana with sunflowers)

Motoko Japanese Culture greets to you!

暑中お見舞い申し上げます。In Japan we have a custom to send a greeting card in summer.  It’s very hot and humid in summer.  Japan is surrounded by oceans and mountains and it’s so humid in summer.  Also the land is so small that people has to live alongside the nature.  People have tried to find a way to make them feel cooler even though it’s not really cool. Sunflower

Crashed ice. Gold fish. Morning glory. Japanese fan called uchiwa. Ice cream. summer festival. Fire works. Watermelon.  Wind chime. Summer vacation.  homework.  In Japan we had homework to do. Summer greetings called Shochumimai. It’s so hot that we lose appetite and just eat light.  Sometimes too hot to sleep enough. We have to take good care in order to enjoy humid hot summer.  We send a post card to a teacher and a client.  It says ” 暑中お見舞い申し上げます Summer Greetings.   Hope you have a wonderful summer.”

sometimes with a picture of summery images like morning glories or fire works. It is not as common as before but still people and shops send summer greeting cards.

I would like to send you a summer greeting!  I had Ikebana lesson last Wednesday.  We use sunflowers.  Speaking of summer, I imagine sunflowers. They  are very simple and cute. Cheerful.  Face to the sun!  Never beaten by heat.  Please be  cheerful and happy like sun flowers.

Have a wonderful summer  !                  Summer greetings

暑中お見舞い申し上げます。Sho chu omimmai moushiagemasu.New video here (2014)

2015 Motoko will send You cool air.



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