Why don’t you come to Akimasturi and try gold fish scooping?

Akimatsuri posterOn September 27 Sunday, there is Akimatsuri, Fall Festival in Dallas. There are many performances and Japanese food. When I heard Japanese festival for the first time, 4 years ago, I thought it must be something not authentic Japanese but it was very Japanese.

We went there almost ending but the atmosphere was so familiar to me, just being in Japana. The diffrence was there were people speaking English. Some people wore Yukata.

There was a game called Kingosukui金魚すくい. Kingyo means gold fish. Sukui meand to catch. This is traditional and typical game for kinds in festivals. I loved it. There are many little gold fish and we catch with a net made of delicate paper. Gold fish swim fast and the net is thin and easy to be tored. Just drip and stay the papare net in the water, looking for a fish to cacth sometimes make the net torn. For me I was so bad at a scooping and always failed to catch. Those who coulcn’t catch any can get one or two gold fish. ususally they will die in a week. Sometimes they live longer and grow bigger. It is a fung game. All Japanese kids have tried at least once.

When you see this game, just give it a try! you will love it. Please do not think gold fish abuse. For kids, the gold fish is a treasure and once they have one, try to take care of it.

I have a memmory of Kingyosukui in my young days and still just seeing it and heaning Kingyosukuri maked me nostalgic and good

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