You will love flower arranging originated from Zen temple in 15th century, Ikebana;beautiful meditation

Many Japanese people know that Ikebana 生け花 is a traditional flower arranging started in 15-16th century but they don;t know it’s originated from Zen temple.It’s unfortunate that they don’t know the origin of this art. If you try Ikebana, you will be able to share what the people have experienced and felt for over hundreds  years.

The priests offered flower to the Buddhist deities . There was one priest got a reputation for his beautiful  arrangement in 1462.   Then offering flower arranging became Ikebana; the Japanese art of flower arranging. Emperor hold flower arrangement exhibition in 1599. Nobles, then Daimyo, elite samurai, then town people enjoyed Ikebana.

Thinking of long history, I appreciated all the time, effort, techniques and skills which Iemono, teachers and students of Ikebana  handed down.

Also I am so appreciate to share this beautiful meditation here in Dallas, the United States away
April Motoko
April Ikebana IMG_4028 IMG_4026 IMG_4079 IMG_4050 IMG_4046
form Japan.


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